Common Name: Grape
Botanical Name: Vitis spp.
Family: Vitaceae
Origin: North America
Avg. Height x Width: Slow growing vine grows to size of trellis
Varieties: Florida Frye, Granny Val, Tara, and Triumph
Season: Summer and fall
Common Name: Green Sapote
Botanical Name: Pouteria viridis
Family: Sapotaceae
Origin: Guatemala, Central America
Avg. Height x Width: 20' x 20'
Varieties: Fairchild and IFAS
Season: Spring and summer
Damage Temp: 25 - 27 F
The green sapote is very closely related to the mamey. The fruit have a smooth, leathery, green skin that has a slightly reddish hue when ripe. The pulp is creamy and moist, and they are typically single-seeded. The flavor can be compared to a creamy pumpkin pie, and they are most often eaten fresh or in a milkshake.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Grumichama
Botanical Name: Eugenia braziliensis
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: Brazil
Normal FL size: 18' x 12'
Season: Spring, sometimes a light fall crop
Damage Temp: 28 - 30 F
The grumichama is a small, compact tree that can be grown as a standard or shaped as a hedge. The plants have beautiful, glossy, dark green leaves and rough, corky, textured bark. Fruit deep purple to black when ripe and they have a flavor very similar to that of jaboticaba. They are most often eaten fresh and used in jelly.
Common Name: Guava
Botanical Name: Psidium guajava
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: Tropical America
Avg. Height x Width: 15' x 15'
Season: Year round
Damage Temp: 25 - 26 F
Guava is enjoyed in jelly, juice, pastries and a multitude of other recipes. The fruit can be round to pear shaped, and they are typically about the size of a baseball. The pulp is smooth, sweet and extremely aromatic. The trees are heavy producers, and will begin fruiting at just one year of age.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Jaboticaba
Botanical Name: Myrciaria cauliflora
Family: Myrtaceae
Origin: Brazil
Avg. Height x Width: 18' x 12'
Season: Winter, spring & throughout the year
Damage Temp: 25 - 27 F
The jaboticaba forms a small bushy tree that has multiple ornate stems. The fruit are grape-like, with a thick skin and melting pulp. They are eaten as fresh fruit, in jams and in wine. They can be frozen whole, to enjoy throughout the year. Because the fruit occurs on the old growth, it is best never to prune them. They are especially cold, hardy plants, and they like a lot of water.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Jakfruit
Botanical Name: Artocarpus heterophyllus
Family: Moraceae
Avg. Height x Width: 30' x 25'
Varieties: Mai 1, Mai 2, Black Gold, Gold Nugget, & Golden Pillow
Season: April to December, according to variety
Damage Temp: 28F
Jakfruit trees are large by nature. They can be pruned annually to 12' x 12' producing as much as 200 lbs. of fruit per year. It is the largest fruit that grows on a tree. The heaviest ever recorded weighed 275 lbs., but they are typically 10-35 lbs. Cooked green, the fruit can be used as a vegetable. It can be boiled, fried, grilled, roasted, or prepared with sauces. Mature seeds are also prepared in dishes. The ripe fruit tastes like a combination of mango, banana, pineapple, and cantaloupe. It is often compared to juicy fruit gum.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Jujube
Botanical Name: Ziziphus jujuba
Family: Rhamnaceae
Origin: China
Avg. Height x Width: 10' x 10'
Varieties: Green Thornless
Season: December - March
Damage Temp: 25F
Having the texture and flavor of an apple, the jujube are often referred to as manzana or manzanita, meaning apple or little apple in Spanish. It is an important commercial fruit crop in Thailand, Vietnam and India, and it is grown on smaller scales throughout Malaysia and Australia. The trees are bush-like, with a weeping habit, and they will bear fruit at just two to three years of age. Jujubes are known to be extremely prolific producers.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: June Plum
Botanical Name: Spondias dulcis
Family: Anacardaceae
Origin: South Pacific
Avg. Height x Width: 8' x 6'
Season: Fall and winter
Damage Temp: 28F
The dwarf ambarella is a fast growing plant that will produce fruit in less than one year, and at a height of only two feet. They are often eaten fresh, or made into drinks and jellies that taste something like apple butter. They have a single sharp, rather large, spiny seed.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Longan
Botanical Name: Dimocarpus longana
Family: Sapindaceae
Origin: India and southeast Asia
Avg. Height x Width: 25' x 25'
Varieties: Biew Kieuw, Dagelman, Diamond River, Kohala and Sri Chompoo
Season: Late July to September, according to variety
Damage Temp: 24 - 28 F
The longan is a very close relative of the lychee. The fruit are typically the size of a quarter, and they have a brown leathery shell that contains what looks like a peeled grape with a single seed. The fruit are sweet, with a pleasant aroma, and they taste like a nutty grape.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Loquat
Botanical Name: Eriobotrya japonica
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: China
Avg. Height x Width: 15' x 15'
Season: January to April
Damage Temp: 22F
Loquats are shaped like Christmas trees, but they have large fuzzy leaves that are green on top and silver underneath. The fruit tastes like a combination of peach and apricot. They are most often eaten fresh, in jellies and in wines. The trees will begin fruiting at just one to two years of age.
Image: © Ian Maguire
Common Name: Lychee
Botanical Name: Litchi chinensis
Family: Sapindaceae
Origin: Southeast China
Avg. Height x Width: 25' x 25'
Season: Mid May to Mid June in South Florida
Damage Temp: 24 - 28 F
Lychees are one of the most renowned fruits of the world. Today they are grown on every continent except Antarctica, and they are famed as the "King of Fruits." Despite their worldwide distribution, they remain one of China's best kept secrets. They can best be described as having the flavor of passion fruit and grapes with the scent of a red rose. The fruit are highly addictive, and they can quickly become an expensive habit.
Lychee Viewer - Click Here for details on 12 lychee cultivars
Image: © Ian Maguire
The muscadine grape is native to the southeastern United States and is found in the wild from Delaware to the Gulf of Mexico, and westward to Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Many older varieties were selections from the wild, but the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station and the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture have introduced a number of improved varieties that have become standard cultivars. The four varieties listed above are all self fertile, and they fruit well throughout South Florida.
Image: © Ian Maguire